Hello geniuses!

So, just today I finished up with an interview and realized how bad I am as a Problem Solver once again.But nothing is gonna stop me and I am soon gonna become RED! Because dumb people too can make it big……Hhahahaha.

Initial Approach

I will only focus on the Coding problem for now.

So the problem given to me was a Standard Problem

**Sort the array consisting of 0s, 1s & 2s** 

So I heard and solved it on leetcode before and had a idea instantly to Use 2/3 pointers approach.Now the interviewer asked me to code the solution. So I began coding without any algorithm and thought process and after some time came with a code and a bunch of changes which is exactly as it looks like I just copied from collabedit.

we have an array of numbers which contains only 0s,1s and 2s

class z{
public static void main(String[] args){

    int sorted_arr = funct(arr);
public static int[] func(int[] arr){

int i=0;
int j=arr.length-1;


// 0 , 0, 1, 1, 1 ,1 ,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2
          |           |     |
          i            k     j
while(k<=j){	<---change  dryrun
    while(arr[i]==0)    {
    while(arr[j]==2)    j--;
        k=i;	<-----change dryrun

So after writing while dry run too i made a few changes too. So while somebody watched my code why i couldn’t think and write in a few mins time knowing the question before hand too.

  • The reasons
    1. Dry run in my mind before of approach before you jump in code.
    2. Write the algorithm in steps before hand.
  • So the interviewer went on to ask a follow up on
    • What if there is 0s,1s,2s,3s what can be done
    • And if there are 0s,1s,….ns dicuss upon a scalable approach he asked

So that point i thought for around a 30 sec and was quite a blank and told i don’t know .

My mistakes 1. Take more time and use pen and paper. 2. Make Use some todo checklist

Then he told me about Counting Sort and at that moment I told i don’t have idea about that and asked is it similar to Bucket/Radix Sort and moved on.

So immediately after the interview without any google search I thought of it Counting Sort I think I got the correct answer then just after 2 mins don’t know why I couldn’t think of that time

So i guess it’s like u

	HashMap/Array		Counter
	[n1]			  c1++;
	[n2]			  c2++;
	[n3]			  c3++;
	[n4]			  c4++; and so 	
	2.) Copy Array
	    c1 times    c2 times  c3 times  c4 times
	 -------------	-------- ---------- --------

		n1        n2         n3        n4

Time Comp - O(n) Space Comp - O(n)

Updated Solution-Code and analysis of Mistakes

My code complexity are

Time & Space Complexity - O(n)

  • Some pecularities/differences in there
    1. As keys would always be less than total elements.
    2. Haven’t used Array to store range of keys [Min-Max]
    • So due to this the changed time & space complexity becomes O( n + range of key).
      1. We could have used Normal hashmap and then sorted using comparator as well.
import java.util.*;

class z{

public static void main(String[] args){

        int arr[] = {0,0,0,1,0,0,1,6,6,6,6,6};

        int[] res = counting_sort(arr);

        for(int i:res)

public static int[] counting_sort(int[] a){
	//1. Using map to store keys instead of Array so more optimised 
	// Particularly used TreeMap as in it keys are sorted naturally.

        TreeMap<Integer,Integer> sortedmap  =  new TreeMap<>();

        for(int i:a){



        int sum = 0;
	//2. Just add up the count/freq of digits to get starting index

        for(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> en:sortedmap.entrySet()){

                int intr = en.getValue();
                sum += intr;
	//3. Rearranging the array and keeping it Stable 
        for(int i =0; i<a.length ; i++){


        return a;
public static void swap(int a[],int i, int j){
        int temp = a[i];
        a[i] = a[j];
        a[j] = temp;


So, Yes that’s it for now. If any suggestions please comment.